Kwazulu Natal Smart Key and Card Key Coding.
Locksmith Kwazulu Natal Smart Key and Card Key Coding.
Key – Soft Services have been covering most of Kwazulu Natal for over 15 years with our Mobile Car Locksmith Unit. Some of the areas that we cover are Durban, Umhlanga Rocks, Pinetown, Pietermaritzburg, but our services are not limited to these areas.
The professional Locksmith Kwazulu Natal Smart Key and Card Key Coding.
Key-Soft Electronic Transponder Key Replacement.
Since 1995 car manufacturers have introduced a transponder chip embedded into the plastic head of the vehicle key. The transponder chip is a passive device which does not require power or the need to press a button. The immobiliser reads the code from the transponder when the key turns in the ignition. If the right code is read the car will start, however if the transponder key is lost or damaged the engine wont start.
KZN Transponder Car Key Programming.
There are various reasons why you would need a new Transponder Key these include loss, theft or damage either from age or an accident. Calling your Car Dealership could have you waiting a number of weeks for a replacement Car Key and possibly a hefty price to cover the replacement. Key-Soft offers you a quick and easy solution at the best price. These services are available to you even if you are stuck on the side of the road with the with the aid of Key-Soft’s Mobile Locksmith Vehicle. If you have lost your Car Keys or possibly have none of your keys Key-Soft will have you back on the road with a minimum of fuss.